March 15, 2023
"Do you recognize the language of any of these books?" This is the question that we asked visitors to our table at Brainport's "Inspiratiebijeenkomst onderwijs: Internationalisering - Meertaligheid." Without fail, people are eager to try to identify the language of the books we display from Eindhoven Library's International Children's Book Collection.
The event took place on a Wednesday afternoon in March at Jan van Brabant College in Helmond. It was organized for school leaders, coordinators, teachers (in training) and others interested from all levels of education in the Brainport region.
At this event we were able to share information and flyers in Dutch and English with hundreds of attendees who came to learn about how to support multilingual students. Thank you to Brainport for this opportunity to reach local educators with our message about heritage language education!