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1.5-minute film about forgetting your first language
A global crisis of language loss
Is the word "integration" out of date?
"I can't say my own name": The pain of language loss in families
Motivating heritage language learners with digital storytelling projects
Voor reguliere scholen: 5 manieren om de Dag van de Moedertaal te vieren
Create teaching materials in over 40 languages with Wordwall
Get children talking with "silent" books
Negative attitudes about the heritage language
Teenagers not reading in the home language? Try BookTok!
Wereldburgerschap in het primair onderwijs
Discrimination is more of an issue for second generation immigrants in the Netherlands
Meertaligheid is als een goudmijn
The Dutch education system explained
Is it never too late to learn your heritage language?
Podcast: Taaldiversiteit voor meer kansengelijkheid in ons onderwijs
Caregivers and communities need public support to raise their children bilingually
A home filled with languages
Do monolingual school websites hinder parental engagement?
Why pronouncing students' names correctly is so important