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Voices of our volunteers: "We are uncompromising in our mission"

April 22, 2024

Gemma representing HLE Network at the Brabant International Expo on April 6, 2024.

In March, we were pleased to welcome two volunteers to HLE Network -- Alcira and Gemma -- to help organize several events in 2024. This support was made possible by Eindhoven's Inclusief Samenleven subsidy scheme.

We asked Alcira and Gemma what it is like to volunteer for HLE Network, an organization that itself largely supports volunteer-run organizations.

Where are you both from?

Gemma: I am originally from the U.K. I moved with my family to Eindhoven a few years ago.

Alcira: I am from Lima, Peru. I came to the Netherlands in 2002 because I fell in love with a Dutch man. Together we have a beautiful family and we have lived many adventures, like living in Spain and Peru for a few years.

It is so important that future generations also have access to these heritage language programs!

What inspires you to commit time to HLE Network activities?

Gemma: I feel that heritage language/mother tongue is important for everyone, especially children. It enables children to keep connected to family, and there are also many educational benefits.

Alcira: I am a Spanish teacher and am very passionate about teaching my mother tongue and my culture. I have helped my husband to learn Spanish and to understand my culture. He and I have together made a lot of effort so that our children can speak my mother tongue and learn everything about my culture despite the many limitations -- such as the lack of teaching centres and learning material for our children. 

In 2015 I got in touch with the Spanish heritage language program for children "de Carrousel" in Eindhoven and have since been active in helping to support it. Thanks to the existence of heritage programmes like de Carrousel, we had the opportunity to teach our children Hispanic language and culture.

It is so important that future generations also have access to these heritage language programs! That is why I identify with the aims of HLE Network. To support and promote heritage language programs so that all children have access to education in their heritage language.

A lot of people do not understand the importance of heritage language education and they are not aware of the misconceptions surrounding it

Have you learned anything as a volunteer for HLE Network?

Alcira: Among the many things I've learned so far, the most valuable is: No matter how small you are, we can make a difference in this world. With dedication and perseverance, we can build a better future for the generations to come. 

Gemma: Definitely! I learned that a lot of people do not understand the importance of heritage language education and they are not aware of the misconceptions surrounding it. I had the opportunity to raise awareness about this when I manned a booth for HLE Network at the Holland Expat Center South's Brabant International Expo in April.

What has been most rewarding so far as volunteer for HLE Network?

Gemma: For me, it is very rewarding to be part of a team and to know that I am contributing to an organization that is making a positive difference to the educational and social needs of many children.

Alcira: The most rewarding so far has been working with such a passionate team. We are uncompromising in our mission and work very hard every day.

I like that my tasks are diverse, so I am able to develop several different skills. Overall, I'm grateful for the opportunity to work with HLE Network because I feel like my work is really helping multilingual children and their families within the Brainport region. 

Thank you, Alcira and Gemma, for your all of your valuable help and for your kind words!



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