February 3, 2024
Between January 24 and February 3, “De Nationale Voorleesdagen” was celebrated across the Netherlands, to stimulate reading to children aged 0 to 6. Central to this is the Dutch “picture book of the year” Help! Een verrassing! by Miriam Bos.
In Eindhoven, a collaboration between different language groups and the library allowed for a fantastic display of inclusion and diversity! Pictures are now available from the 10-day multilingual event series that took place at Eindhoven Library's central location! See full event description and schedule
Thank you to all of the participating language groups for making this possible, as well as the families who attended, the Eindhoven Library, and Eindhoven municipality. We extend a special thank you to volunteer Chikako who helped organize the event.
See coverage of this event in the news
Dutch News (English)
EY Daily (Dutch)
Licht op Eindhoven (Dutch)
Eindhovense Dagblad (Dutch)
Participating organizations
Eindhoven Chinese School "Han Tang"
The Reading Pier (English)
Japanese Book Club Eindhoven
Bulgarian Hub Eindhoven: Bulgarian Book Club 'Lezen is leuk'
Ukrainians in Eindhoven
POLH Semente (Portuguese)
Deutsche Schule Eindhoven - Deutsch Niederländischer Verein Eindhoven
de Carousel - El Centro Latinoamericano de Orientación (CLO) (Spanish)
Romanian School "Școala Românească" Eindhoven
Polish School Eindhoven
French School "Les Francofilous"
Eindhoven Italian School "La Lampadina"
Eindhoven Persian School
Eindhoveni Magyar Ovi-Suli (Hungarian)
Stichting Drio/ Drio Eğitim Vakfı (Turkish)
Korean School Eindhoven
Heritage Language Education Network
Eindhoven Library